Mazda 3 vs Civic is one of the most interesting and exciting debates I have ever seen in a car forum. It all started with an excellent post by someone who is a professional test driver
Mazda 3 vs Honda Civic is one of the most interesting and exciting debates I have ever seen in a car forum. It all started with an excellent post by someone who is a professional test driver. They were comparing the new Honda Civic to the new Mazda 3.
They both had great skills, and it was then decided that the new car would have more fun to drive than the old car. In this post, I will go through some of the points that were brought up between them and the moderators.
This is a very good point. From my own observations, when I am out on the roads with my Mazda 3 vs Civic Honda you always notice the Civic's engine starts rumbling away right after the turn.
But, on the other hand when I am driving my lancer and hear the loud exhaust from the Mitsubishi Eclipse I can hardly wait until I get onto the open road. The reason behind this is the high torque from the Eclipse. And if you are going to take the time to change your CVT when you get to the track then it will be a huge advantage for the Mazda 3 vs Civic.
Mazda 3 vs Civic: Fuel Economy
The first point is fuel economy. The Mazda 3 is much more fuel efficient than the Civic. When I compare the two in each class of vehicle test, it is pretty much a toss up between the Mazda 3 and the Civic. When it comes to fuel economy, there is really no contest. The Mazda 3 beats the Civic hands down.

Mazda 3 vs Civic: Drive Quality
Another interesting thing that was brought up was about how much the new Civic has improved compared to the Mazda 3. I think this is fair since the Civic has some catching up to do when it comes to handling and ride quality.
And while I think the Mazda 3 had some minor advantages like shorter drive times and better overall performance when tested driving, I think the biggest improvement was when it came to handling. I was very impressed with the new Civic's ability to stick and move without a lot of effort.

I did not do any real driving with the Mazda 3 but I have driven the Honda Civic so this was more or less the same vehicle. In this case the winner was quite obvious. So let's get down to the real stuff.
In test three on the open road the new sedan and the old bro again showed their superiority. The new Mazda 3 was only a little faster than the Civic but still noticeably faster than the Honda Civic. The Mazda 3 also seemed to have more grip and more control over the road.
The two cars were next to each other in test one which was on streets. They started off by being very close in terms of a few seconds. However, as they got further into the distance the difference in closing times became noticeable and observable. So in this case we had two cars that were very similar in many ways in test one but in test two the new Civic had the advantage. In this instance the old bro was almost four seconds slower than the new sedan.
In the end I think Mazda 3 vs Civic all boils down to how you use your car. If you are the type of person that constantly leads the rush, then the Civic will win every time. If you are someone that likes to spend your time relaxing in your car and not looking at what is going on around you then the Mazda 3 will win every time. But if you lead the pack then the hatchback bug will trounce the new Mazda 3.